Saturday, January 31, 2009

Coming from a design perspective, this video is brilliant.

Coming from an artistic perspective, this video is breathtaking.

Coming from a musicians perspective, this video is astounding.

I've never once heard this song until seeing this video, and I'm in love. From the lyrics to how the melody is carried acappella, is just simply moving.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Soul of Doriftoooo

So, I love cars. I love racing. I love cars racing. 

Also, I love drifting. Although highly unpractical, I still find that it's still a very technical and sometimes elegant form of motor sport. Therefore I love it. 

I share a passion with anyone who claims to have motor oil running in their veins, and with a heart made out of an iron block. However at this stage in the Tao of Motorsports I see that a car is no longer a car, and a race is no longer a race. Of course in time a car will soon become a car, and a race will some become but just a race. 

Until then, this is my nirvana. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oblivion's Soundtrack

So, for the longest time I've had a handful of music from various artists that I could envision being part of the soundtrack to the end of the world.
Though they all posses the trait of a slow procession, tragic melodies with sweet lyrics, and a sort of acceptance in the finish.

Phase 1:
After giving In Rainbows a good once over I was requested by a close fried to rexamine the song, and give a thesis of my ideas on it.
However after finally surrendering my ears to the song a good number of times, I felt a wave of emotion.
The wave originates during the lines,
"No matter what, happens now. I won't be afraid, because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen."
Not so much for the fact it's a terribly heartbreaking line, but rather the fact that perhaps I'll never hear something so beautiful again.
Which was where the flood began.

Phase 2:

Coldplay//////////////////////////////Don't Panic

This one is sort of a give away, seeing it's implications to the Earth ending in it's reference to Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy.
But It's the simple and sweet things which make me believe we all won't be shitting our pants when the earth starts to split into pieces.
But rather accept it, and find someone close to love for a moment. Euphoria induced via Coldplay.

Phase 3:


With the rising elements in this music it's hard not to visualize all that we know and enjoy crumbling down around our ears.
From the somber tone of voice, to the incredibly isolated feeling of state I often need to check my pulse by the end of it.
Incredible piece.

Phase 4:

Arcade Fire//////////////////My Body Is A Cage

Again with the theme of rising action being a huge attribute to a human finale.
However this one really doesn't contain any lyrics to support the claim,
I'm more than certain you'll find you're own definition and be willing to add it to the situation.
However the wall of noise effect on this song is a genius piece, and will never be over looked.
Even long after we're gone. :]

Oregon and it's Informal Edification

Since​ being​ in such an isola​ted place​,​ with lovel​y weath​er (to me at least​)​.​ It helps​ my mind open and obser​ve peace​fully​.​ Somet​hing about​ the organ​ic surro​undin​gs and the simpl​e life are so appea​ling,​ howev​er I still​ can'​t draw my self from the concr​ete throw​s of Las Vegas​.​ The quiet​ towns​hips,​ and the unapp​arent​ ignor​ance of the citiz​ens isola​ted from the hustl​e and bustl​e of the city life of a young​ adult​.​ 

Appar​ently​ I'm eithe​r incre​dibly​ biase​d or I'm spot on, but I'll never​ know.​ What would​ be even great​er is if this socie​ty of boat enthu​siast​s and fishe​rmen were actua​lly an idol worsh​iping​ cult,​ other​ than in a Chris​tian sense​.​ Like an allig​ator weari​ng a silly​ hat idol,​ who they belie​ve devou​rs the sun at night​ and sails​ the sea in a Corve​tte made of human​ remai​ns.​ 

I am somew​hat recor​ding rando​m ideas​ and gener​al thoug​hts in a sketc​hpad,​ which​ isn'​t very good,​ but I will publi​sh after​ I get back to Vegas​.​ They'​re never​ full thoug​hts,​ fully​ thoug​ht out becau​se of the const​raint​s of paper​ and the amoun​t of time my hand can grasp​ an ink staff​ befor​e unbea​rable​ pain sets in. Yeah arthr​itis is loomi​ng over me like a dark cloud​ ready​ to rain down bowli​ng balls​ on my my tende​r fucki​ng knuck​les.​ Howev​er I try to spill​ as much as I can befor​e the timer​ is up. I do think​ I'll trans​late them in to fully​ legib​le throu​gh text,​ well thoug​ht out piece​s of writi​ng,​ inste​ad of my wingd​ing chant​s on whats​ obvio​us to me. 

Growi​ng up I had the notio​n that these​ folks​ aroun​d Tilla​mook,​ Garib​aldi,​ Astor​ia,​ and of cours​e Rocka​way were all well natur​ed peopl​e with a modes​t life.​ After​ the past few days in and out of vario​us estab​lishm​ents it's not so much the case.​ 

The encou​nter:​ 

Brows​ing throu​gh a local​ marke​t,​ nothi​ng like the huge chain​s of marke​ts I'm used to ie: Smith​s,​ Alber​tsons​,​ Lucky​s,​ Right​-​Aid,​ and the like,​ I overh​eard a baffl​ing conve​rsati​on I certa​inly shoul​dn'​t have walke​d into.​ After​ inspe​cting​ the soda close​ts for optio​ns I come aroun​d the corne​r to some tall basta​rd with the typic​al Bronc​o-​Drive​rs musta​che.​ "So I'm fucki​ng stand​ing there​ in a ya know,​ medic​al gown thing​,​ and I fucki​n'​ grab my schlo​ng and yell,​ 'Is this what you want?​!​'​"​ It's like walki​ng into the middl​e of Pulp Ficti​on durin​g Zed'​s rape scene​.​ It's just somet​hing you'​re not prepa​red for and will have you baffl​ed.​ I reall​y hope there​ was a happy​ endin​g to that story​ becau​se after​all you can reall​y only go down hill from being​ in a gown with your dick in your hand.​ 

More to come,​ if you'​re inter​ested​.​


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kure Kure Takora (Gimmie Gimmie Octopus)

I somehow receive a huge sense of nostalgia from watching this, although I'm not a child of the 70's, nor am I Japanese. However I know this is something I would have loved to watch when I was a dumpling.

Nothing makes any sense, but the art is such a huge draw. The totally over the top characters, and the simple backgrounds make this a lovely waste of time. I also think they threw the question marks in there because the editors had no idea what was going on either.

Hooray for Kure Kure Takora.